11 Ways Businesses Can Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity

The face of business has become more inclusive. Companies need to move with the times or be left behind as remnants of an exploitative past. Part of embracing the new approach to business is by ensuring equal opportunity for all. Equality in opportunity allows a company to access individuals' talents regardless of their background, class or any other limiting factor. Businesses should be embracing initiatives to make them more inclusive to locate the best and brightest professionals in their field.

In this Forbes Human Resources Council article, Jay Polaki, HR Geckos' Founder and CEO, shares how to ensure equal employment opportunity

With new technologies readily available to combat inequities in the employee life cycle, companies can quickly ensure they practice what they preach. Workplace analytics can confirm liabilities and highlight triumphs in their EEO strategy, enabling companies to elevate an all-inclusive workplace where each employee inculcates a strong sense of belonging after being invited into the work-family.

Learn more from Jay and her fellow Forbes Human Resources Council members on how businesses can ensure equality of opportunity in their hiring practices.

To read the full article, click here.