October 2023
HR Bytes Beyond Borders: Exploring Global HR News
Indeed's AI At Work Report finds that GenAI will impact almost every job in America.

66% of jobs considered highly or moderately exposed to GenAI, according to a new study led by Indeed's economic research team.

HR Bytes Across the States: Exploring National and Local HR News
HR Bytes Community Corner
Share Your HR Tips & Tricks
It’s time for a Tech Tune-Up!

October is the perfect month to give your HR tech stack a little TLC. Just like you wouldn't skip a car tune-up, our HR systems deserve some attention, too.

Here's why it's exciting:

  • Efficiency Overhaul: Consider it a turbocharger for our HR processes. We're diving into our tech toolbox to make everything smoother, faster, and more efficient. No more unnecessary paperwork or delays.

  • User-Friendly Vibes: Imagine tech as easy to use as your favorite smartphone app. We're all about improving the user experience. Our HR tech should be a breeze, not a headache.

  • Supercharged Insights: We'll have access to more data and analytics with updated technology. It's like turning on the headlights in the dark – we'll see everything clearly and make better decisions.

  • Paperless Power: Going green! Less paper, less clutter, and a smaller environmental footprint. It's a win-win.

  • Seamless Employee Interaction:We're enhancing how employees interact with HR. Think of it as a smoother ride for employees seeking information, support, or making requests.

  • Futuristic HR: The future is here, and we're embracing it. Upgraded technology means staying ahead and remaining competitive in the HR landscape.

  • Elevated HR Team: With streamlined tech, our HR team can focus on what truly matters – supporting our employees and helping our organization grow.

So, prepare for an HR Tech makeover this October, where you are not just updating systems but upgrading your HR experience. Tune up for a more efficient and user-friendly journey ahead!

We'd love to hear from you!
Do you have an AI and/or Chatbot Policy in your workplace?

SHRM’s Chatbot Usage Policy provides a good start to crafting one.

Please share your AI and/or Chatbot Policy.
Connect with us at [info [at] hrgeckos dot com]

Join the HR Bytes Community to share, learn, and grow! Look for us on LinkedIn and Facebook (search for HR Bytes)


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For more HR Tech insights, visit our Insights page

Call for Contributions

What’s one #HRTech topic you’d like to learn more about?

What #worktech initiatives have been working for you over the past year?

HR Bytes Podcast and Newsletter seeks contributors for our byte-sized Work Tech insights. If you’d like to write short blurbs on #HRTech #FutureofWork and related topics, please email us at [info [at] hrgeckos dot com] or connect on Social. Thank you!

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HR Bytes Podcast & Newsletter

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HR Bytes Digest
Must Read HR Tech Articles
Taking a Page from Student Use Cases for AI

Harvard Business Review highlights how guidance initially designed for students can be effectively applied to HR, particularly in workplace training and development. These principles, originally tailored for students, can serve as a valuable framework for HR professionals to harness the potential of AI and enhance the training and development initiatives within organizations.

Here's the breakdown

1. The HR Connection: For HR experts, this AI wave isn't just for classrooms. It's a game-changer for workforce development and training. AI can provide feedback and create personalized learning experiences for employees.

2. Ethics Matter: As you dive into the AI world, remember ethics. AI can carry biases and privacy matters. Be responsible when implementing AI tools in HR contexts.

3. Stay in the Know: The AI world keeps evolving. HR professionals should keep their finger on the pulse of AI developments to boost talent development and management. In a nutshell, AI isn't just a tool; it's a superpower for learning and HR. Embrace it, but also tread carefully to ensure everyone benefits from this tech marvel.

AI in HR

Today, AI is being used to improve employee recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and retention. Josh Bersin shares how AI can help HR professionals save time, improve efficiency, and make better decisions. Overall, the article provides a good overview of the potential benefits of AI for HR professionals. As AI develops, it will become an even more important tool for HR professionals.

Despite growing demand, only 13% of employees offered AI training last year

A significant gap in AI training efforts within enterprises despite the growing demand for AI skills is presented in this Randstad survey. Only 13% of employees worldwide received AI training from their employers in the past year, even though there has been a 20-fold increase in job roles requiring AI skills. This discrepancy underscores the need for enterprises to invest in AI training to fully harness the potential of generative AI tools like ChatGPT and other AI technologies.

The survey also reveals that employees recognize the importance of AI skills for their careers, with over half believing that AI proficiency will improve their job prospects. However, the lack of training opportunities hinders their ability to upskill in AI. This gap between demand and supply in AI training is particularly pronounced in countries like Germany and the UK.

11 HR Trends for 2024: Elevating Work

HR is changing. It's not just sticking to its old ways but undergoing a big transformation. There are 11 HR trends shaping this change, according to AIHR. And guess what? HR is dealing with today's problems and setting things up for a better future. HR is bringing new ideas and smart strategies to make companies grow, include everyone, and stay strong. By taking on this bigger role, HR is leading companies to improve. So, in 2024, HR is stepping into the spotlight in this new era of work.

Season of Giving Contest through Nov 30, 2023!
three winners of the drawing Will Get to PICK A CHARITY to which HR GECKOS will MAKE A donatION!
The rules are simple!

Step 1:Rate and review the HR Bytes Podcast on Spotify Of course, we appreciate 5-star reviews, but they aren't required.

Step 2:Take a screenshot of your review and send it to us via email: [info [at] hrgeckos dot com].

Bonus Step 3:Share your review or a link to our show on your social networks. We hope to see you win big! The drawing will be in the first week of December 2023!

Geckos’ Ear Candy
HR Podcast Recommendations

This month, we are listening to the Drive Thru HR podcast with Robin Schooling, Michael VanDervort, Crystal Lay, and Dwane Lay. This is the perfect podcast if you are interested in a wide range of topics, including HR technology, hiring, talent management, leadership, organizational culture, and HR strategy.


And, of course, we are excited for our very own HR Bytes, where we bring stories of HR trailblazers who are redefining HR with a global mindset and local impact. Check out our latest conversation with Anna Turner of Paycor

Geckos’ Top Tails
HR Bookshelf Selections

A few new reads we found to stay on top of the latest trends in HR and the future of work.


Built for People: Transform your Employee Experience Using Product Management Principles by Jessica Zwaan (May 2023)


Humans At Work: The art and practices of creating the hybrid workplace by Anna Tavis and Stela Lupushor (March 2022)


Remote Not Distant: Design a Company Culture That Will Help You Thrive in a Hybrid Workplace by Gustavo Razzetti (July 2022)


Running Remote: Master the Lessons from the World’s Most Successful Remote-Work Pioneers by Rob Rawson and Liam Martin (Aug 2022)


The Big Book of HR: Revised and Expanded Edition by Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem (January 2022)

HR Bytes ReminderS Mark Your Dates with HR Excellence
October 1-31
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This month is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and encouraging early detection and treatment. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, but it is also one of the most treatable when caught early.

October 1-31
National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month

This month is dedicated to raising awareness about depression and mental health and encouraging people to get screened

October 2
International Day of Non-Violence

This day is dedicated to promoting non-violence and peace around the world. It was established in 1964 to honor the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi

October 10
World Mental Health Day

This day is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and encouraging people to seek help if they need it. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and everyone deserves to live a life free from mental illness.

October 11
International Day of the Girl Child

This day is dedicated to celebrating girls and raising awareness about the challenges they face. Girls are the future, and it is important to invest in their education, health, and well-being.

We’d like to welcome two new Newsletters in our community warmly!
HR Tech Wizard Newsletter:

Our HR Tech Wizard friend, Tim Whitley, has launched a free HR Tech Substack Newsletter dedicated to the fascinating world of HR Tech. This newsletter aims to create a welcoming space where Tim shares knowledge, insights, and valuable resources, catering to both newcomers in the HR Tech space and those passionate about HR systems and analytics.

October's embrace of change mirrors our own aspirations in HR. It's the opportune time to sow the seeds of fresh ideas and approaches. Let's join forces to make this month truly remarkable by nurturing a culture of growth, inclusivity, and innovation. Stay inspired, stay motivated, and we'll meet again in our next newsletter!
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